Today, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has defined these 88 constellations (and 89 constellation names).
IAU-Name | Abbr. | English | Original Name | source | Babylonian | German translation | page in Hoffmann’s Book | ||||
1 | Andromeda | And | Princess | Andromeda (Ancient Syria) | antiquity | Anunitu | Prinzessin Andromeda | 114 | |||
2 | Antlia | Ant | Air Pump/ Vacuum Machine | la Machina Pneumatique | Lacaille (French) | – | Luftpumpe | 190 | |||
3 | Apus | Aps | Bird of Paradise | de Paradijs Voghel | Dutch | – | Paradiesvogel | 76 | |||
4 | Aquarius | Aqr | Water Pourer | – | Babylonian | The Great One = God Ea/ Enki | Wassermann | 93 | |||
5 | Aquila | Aql | Eagle | – | Babylonian | Eagle and Corpse | Adler | 86 | |||
6 | Ara | Ara | Altar | Greek | Altar | 62 | |||||
Carina | Car | Ship’s Keel | le Corps | Lacaille | Schiffskiel | 172 | |||||
7 | Argo | Arg | Ship | Puppis | Pup | Ship’s Stern | Pouppe | Lacaille | Achterschiff | ||
Pyxis | Pyx | Mariner’s Compass | le Boussole | Lacaille | Kompass | ||||||
Vela | Vel | Ship’s Sail | la Voilure | Lacaille | Segel | ||||||
8 | Aries | Ari | Ram | Babylonian | Hired Man | Widder | 130 | ||||
9 | Auriga | Aur | Charioteer | Greek (Athens) | The Crook (a weapon) | Fuhrmann | 168 | ||||
10 | Boötes | Boo | Herdsman | Ploughman | Greco-Babylonian transformation | Shupa/ God Enlil | Schäfer, Wächter, Ochsentreiber | 44 | |||
11 | Caelum | Cae | Engraving Tool | les Burins | Lacaille (French) | Grabstichel | 193 | ||||
12 | Camelopardalis | Cam | Giraffe | Plancius | Giraffe | 141 | |||||
13 | Cancer | Cnc | Crab | Babylonian | Crab, Seat of God Anu | Krebs | 178 | ||||
14 | Canes Venatici | CVn | Hunting Dogs | Hevelius | Jagdhunde | 38 | |||||
15 | Canis Major | CMa | Great Dog | Greek | Arrow | Großer Hund | 160 | ||||
16 | Canis Minor | CMi | Little Dog | Prokyon | Greek | Kleiner Hund | 163 | ||||
17 | Capricornus | Cap | Goat-Fish | Babylonian | Goat-Fish | Steinbock / Ziegenfisch | 96 | ||||
18 | Cassiopeia | Cas | Queen | Kassiepeia | Greek | Plough | Königin Cassiopeia | 118 | |||
19, 20 | Centaurus + Lupus | Cen Lup | Centaur, Wolf | Greek Babylonian | – – ? – – Rabid Dog | Kentaur Wolf | 68 | ||||
21 | Cepheus | Cep | King | Kepheus | Greek | König Kepheus | 120 | ||||
22 | Cetus | Cet | Sea Monster | Greek | Giant Swallow | Seeungeheuer Ketos | 125 | ||||
23 | Chamaeleon | Cha | Chameleon | het Chameljoen | Dutch | Chamäleon | 78 | ||||
24 | Circinus | Cir | Drawing Compass | le Compass | Lacaille (French) | Zirkel | 73 | ||||
25 | Columba | Col | Dove | Plancius | Taube | 176 | |||||
26 | Coma Berenikes | Com | Berenice’s Hair | Greco-Egyptian (Konon) | Spadix of Date Palm | Haar der Berenike | 186 | ||||
27 | Corona Australis | CrA | Southern Crown | Roman (1st c. CE) | Südliche Krone | 100 | |||||
28 | Corona Borealis | CrB | Northern Crown | antiquity | Asterism of Dignity | Nördliche Krone | 46 | ||||
29 | Crater | Crt | Cup (a crater) | Krater | Greco-Akkadian | Krater | 56 | ||||
30 | Crux | Cru | (Southern) Cross | [to Cen] | Christian-Italian, 14th to 16th Jh. | Kreuz | 71 | ||||
31 | Cygnus | Cyg | Swan | Bird | Greek | a demon with a gaping mouth | Schwan | 84 | |||
32 | Delphinus | Del | Dolphin | Greek | Delphin | 91 | |||||
33 | Dorado | Dor | Dorado or Dolphinfish | den Dorado | Dutch | Goldmakrele (Dorade) | 196 | ||||
34 | Draco | Dra | Dragon | Snake | Greek | Drache | 40 | ||||
35 | Equuleus | Equ | Little Horse | Roman (Ptolemaios) | Fohlen/ Füllen | 140 | |||||
36 | Eridanus | Eri | River | River | Greek | Fluss Eridanus | 170 | ||||
37 | Fornax | For | Furnace | le Fourneau | Lacaille (French) | Chemischer Ofen | 146 | ||||
38 | Gemini | Gem | Twins | Lugalirra and Meslamtaea | Babylonian | Great Twins | Zwillinge | 166 | |||
39 | Grus | Gru | Crane | den Reygher | Dutch | Kranich | 105 | ||||
40 | Hercules | Her | Hercules | the Kneeler | Greek | Herkules | 42 | ||||
41 | Horologium | Hor | Pendulum Clock | l’Horloge | Lacaille (French) | Pendeluhr | 144 | ||||
42, 43 | Corvus, Hydra | Crv Hya | Crow, Water Snake | – | Babylonian | Rabe, Wasserschlange | 52 | ||||
44 | Hydrus | Hyi | Small Water Snake | de Waterslang | Dutch | Kleine Wasser- schlange | 148 | ||||
45 | Indus | Ind | Indian | de Indiaen | Dutch | Eingeborener | 106 | ||||
46 | Lacerta | Lac | Lizard | Hevelius (Polish) | Eidechse | 143 | |||||
47 | Leo | Leo | Lion | Babylonian | a demon (griffin?, winged? lion) | Löwe | 182 | ||||
48 | Leo Minor | LMi | Lesser Lion | Hevelius (Polish) | Kleiner Löwe | 185 | |||||
49 | Lepus | Lep | Hare | Greek | Rooster | Hase | 164 | ||||
50 | Libra | Lib | Scales | Babylonian | Waage | 60 | |||||
51 | Lynx | Lyn | Lynx | Hevelius (Polish) | Luchs | 189 | |||||
52 | Lyra | Lyr | Lyre | Greek | Goddess Gula | Lyra/ Leier | 82 | ||||
53 | Mensa | Men | Table Mountain | la Montagne de la Table | Lacaille (French) | Tafelgebirge | 192 | ||||
54 | Microscopium | Mic | Microscope | Lacaille (French) | Mikroskop | 109 | |||||
55 | Monoceros | Mon | Unicorn | Plancius | Einhorn | 177 | |||||
56 | Musca | Mus | Fly | de Vlieghe | Dutch | Fliege | 72 | ||||
57 | Norma | Nor | Set Square | l’Equerre et la Règle | Lacaille (French) | Maß | 74 | ||||
58 | Octans | Oct | Octant | l’Octans de Réflecion | Lacaille (French) | Oktant | 111 | ||||
59, 60 | Ophiuchus, Serpens | Oph Ser | Serpent Bearer, Serpent | antiquity Greek | God Zababa | Schlangenträger Schlange | 64 | ||||
61 | Orion | Ori | Hunter | antiquity | Heavenly Shepherd | Orion | 156 | ||||
62 | Pavo | Pav | Peacock | Dutch | de Pauw | Pfau | 107 | ||||
63 | Pegasus | Peg | Winged Horse | Horse (Greek) | antiquity | field measure “one Iku”, Seat of God Ea | Pegasus | 138 | |||
64 | Perseus | Per | Hero | antiquity | Old Man | Perseus | 122 | ||||
65 | Phoenix | Phe | Phoenix | de Voghel Fenicx | Dutch | Phönix | 150 | ||||
66 | Pictor | Pic | Painter’s Easel | le Chévalet et la Palette | Lacaille (French) | Malerstaffelei | 152 | ||||
67 | Pisces | Psc | Fishes | antiquity | Tails of the Giant Swallow | Fische | 127 | ||||
68 | Piscis Austrinus | PsA | Southern Fish | Babylonian | Südlicher Fisch | 98 | |||||
69 | Reticulum | Ret | Net (an instrument) | Réticule Rhomboïde | Lacaille (French) | Netz | 195 | ||||
70 | Sagitta | Sge | Arrow | Greek | Pfeil | 89 | |||||
71 | Sagittarius | Sgr | Archer | Babylonian | God Pabilsang | Schütze | 102 | ||||
72 | Scorpius | Sco | Scorpion | Babylonian | Skorpion | 58 | |||||
73 | Sculptor | Scl | Sculptor | l’Atelier du Sculpteur | Lacaille (French) | Bildhauer | 153 | ||||
74 | Scutum | Sct | Shield | Scutum Sobiescianum | Hevelius (Polish) | Schild | 104 | ||||
75 | Sextans | Sex | Sextant | Hevelius | Sextant | 188 | |||||
76 | Taurus | Tau | Bull | Babylonian | Heavenly Bull | Stier | 134 | ||||
77 | Telescopium | Tel | Telescope | le Télescope | Lacaille (French) | Teleskop | 110 | ||||
78 | Triangulum | Tri | Triangle | Delta | Greek | Dreieck | 133 | ||||
79 | Triangulum Australe | TrA | Southern Triangle | den Zuyder Trianghel | Dutch | Südliches Dreieck | 75 | ||||
80 | Tucana | Tuc | Toucan | den Indiaenschen Exster, op Indies Lang ghenaemt | Dutch | Tukan | 108 | ||||
81 | Ursa Major | UMa | Great Bear | Greek | Chariot or Wagon (for goods, not war) | Große Bärin | 34 | ||||
82 | Ursa Minor | UMi | Little Bear | Greek | Chariot or Wagon (for Goods) | Kleine Bärin | 36 | ||||
83 | Virgo | Vir | Maiden | Babylonian | Furrow + Ear of Grain | Jungfrau/ Mädchen | 48 | ||||
84 | Volans | Vol | Flying Fish | de Vliegende Visch | Dutch | Fliegender Fisch | 79 | ||||
85 | Vulpecula | Vul | Fox | Vulpecula et Anser | Hevelius | Füchslein | 90 |